Tips to cope with postpartum hair loss / Consejos para hacer frente a la pérdida del cabello después del parto

My hair was like my crown and I wore it with pride!

It was voluminous, thick and vivacious. Then suddenly at 3 months postpartum my gorgeous locks began to fall out. It was devastating for me to watch as chunks of hair fell out. No one had warned me about postpartum hair loss! So, here I am warning you about it. It happens to the best of us. But don’t worry you will not go bald! Postpartum hair loss is temporary. Your hair will grow back lush and better than ever!

I’m at 5 months postpartum and noticing that less hair is falling out. I’ve also noticed patches of baby hair growing. The only perk about postpartum hair loss is that my blow drying time was cut in half!

Here are some tips to help cope with postpartum hair loss:

– Make an appointment with your hair stylist. Ask for layers!

– To help create the illusion of a full head of hair, style your hair with a diffuser and mouse.

-Buy yourself clip in hair extensions

-Use a wet brush to comb out your hair after taking a shower.

-Best shampoo to use is one that is concentrated with Bergamot .

-Take 5000mcg Biotin supplements

-Look at yourself in the mirror while holding your precious baby and repeat “It’s all worth it! I’m gorgeous! It’s just hair anyway!”

With love,


Hair Crown

Consejos para hacer frente a la pérdida del cabello después del parto

Mi cabello era como mi corona y lo lucía con orgullo. Era voluminoso, grueso y vivaz. Pero de pronto mi cabello empezó a caerse. Fue traumatizante ver que mi cabello se caía tan drásticamente. Nadie me había advertido de la caída de cabello postparto. Haci que aquí estoy yo para advertírtelo. Si, suele  suceder. Pero no te preocupes no quedaras calva. La caída de cabello postparto es temporal. Tu cabello te crecerá y aún más exuberante. Yo estoy a 5 meses de postparto y ya noto que menos cabello se me cae y que me esta empezando a crecer el cabello en donde lo había perdido. Lo único bueno de mi caída de cabello postparto fue que me tomo menos tiempo para secarme el cabello.

Te comparto unos consejitos para ayudarte durante esta etapa tan difícil de la caída de cabello postparto:

– Haz una cita con tu estilista . Pide un corte con capas

-Para crear una ilusión de una cabellera voluminosa estiliza tu cabello con un difusor y aplica mouse

-Compra extensiones de ganchito

-Usa un wet brush para desenredar el cabello después de salir de bañar

-El mejor shampoo para usar es uno que este concentrado con Bergamota

-Toma suplementos de 5000mcg de Biotina

– Vete en el espejo con tu precioso hijito y repite “Todo esto vale la pena. Yo soy hermosa… total solo es cabello”

Con cariño,


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La Mami Julie, a Millennial Mother of two from Los Angeles, leads LA Mami Life, a vibrant bilingual blog exploring Family, Lifestyle & Travel since 2016. Transitioning to podcasting in 2020, she brings a unique perspective from over a decade in the Movie Industry and project management. With a passion for sharing her motherhood journey, Julie conducts engaging interviews with experts, entrepreneurs, and community leaders, aiming to inspire her audience. Dedicated to family-friendly travel, she offers insights for exploring the world with little ones. Based in Spain, Julie’s influence extends from the USA to a growing European audience, showcasing her expanding impact.

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